Ultimate Scarecrow Halloween Idea
Supplies needed:
* 24" (1/8") armature wire
* 7" clay flowerpot
* 2" x 4" cardboard
* Glue gun and hot glue
* 1/2" x 12" dowel
* 14" burlap circle
* Mod Podge
* 5" faux pumpkin
* 1/2 yd. orange jumbo rickrack
* String
* About 8 oz. natural raffia
* Small child's shirt
* Fiberfill stuffing
* Orange and black stiffened felt
* 3 colorful felt scraps
* 2 small wiggle eyes
* Faux sunflower
Steps to start scarecrow:
* Fold wire in half. At fold, bend back 1" and spread wire, making a V. Place V around hole in bottom of overturned pot. Glue cardboard over it to secure. Cut an X through cardboard where it covers pot's bottom hole and insert dowel through hole in pot; glue securely with 9" of dowel extending above pot.
Steps to give him a hat:
* On a sheet of wax paper, paint burlap with Mod Podge. When it dries, fit over top of the pumpkin, folding into shape. Hold it in place with string; glue on rickrack. Remove it from the pumpkin temporarily.
Steps to give him a body:
* Make 18 bunches of 15 raffia strands (10").
* Tie each bunch in the center and fold in half.
* Glue 8 bunches around pot at bottom with ends facing down.
* Button shirt around pot; insert wire through sleeves and add stuffing.
* Cut hem to expose raffia at bottom. Roll sleeves and bend wire ends inside, then glue raffia into sleeves.
* Cut 3" orange felt hands and glue to raffia. Stuff remaining raffia inside collar.
Steps to make him smile:
* For face and crow patterns, cut out different shapes from black felt.
* Glue face to pumpkin, pressing firmly to adhere.
* Cut a small hole in pumpkin's base.
* Make 6 raffia bundles, fold them in half and glue around pumpkin for hair (12" strands)
* Glue hat on top. When dry, slip pumpkin onto the dowel.
* For final touches, glue a few felt patches to shirt and add black felt strips for stitches.
* Glue eyes on crows, crows on figure, and sunflower to hat.